The Embassy of France and Monash University, through its ARC SRI Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future, are pleased to open a call for proposals to conduct cooperative research activities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
The aim of this grant is to foster collaboration between Australia and France on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean science.
Eligible applicants are Australia and France affiliated researchers, and experts in the public and private sectors. Special attention will be given to proposals from early career scientists.
Applications must involve a joint application between at least one organisation in Australia and one organisation in France.
Funding through this program is designed to facilitate:
Funding up to 20 000 AUD (12 000 euros) in total is available to support activities within a 2-year time frame. The funding is not intended to support major research, but specifically targeted to developmental and seed assistance.
One or more projects will be selected by a joint panel on the basis of their scientific merit, on the fact that they propose new perspectives for Antarctic research, and on the capacity of the project to support the development of strategic alliances between France and Australia.
All fields of research will be considered. Successful applicants are required to submit a report on the research activities funded by the program and an acquittal of funds, within two months following the completion of the funded activity.
Should the research activities be undertaken over a period of more than one year, a short progress report is also required at the end of each 12-month period.
Applications should be submitted to no later than Friday 29 September 2023.
Application outcomes will be notified by October 2023 for provision of funding.